Enterprise Mobility Management Blog | vMOX

The Mobility Management Effect: How User Experience Impacts Employee Engagement

Written by Andrea Libey, Director of Marketing | 7/8/22 4:00 AM

It’s a familiar scenario—something you ordered and paid for is not as you expected. Correcting the problem can be easy, provided your supplier has the right systems to help you.

Let's use Amazon as an example since its omnipresence sets today's service expectations. Ordering what you need is easy. And if you order several items and one is missing from your shipment, you'll go to the Amazon app on your phone or computer and open a chat. A chatbot anticipates why you're likely there and provides photos of your expected shipment. You click the picture of the missing item to get started, and within a couple of minutes, you've reported the error, and they've guaranteed a replacement to be shipped the next day.

Easy peasy, right?

Over the past several years, innovative customer service technologies have trained us all to expect the same level of service and ease of use from all interactive technologies— even including those we use at work. In short, it's impossible not to compare your personal user experiences with your corporate user experiences. And because of this reality, we can draw a straight line from easy-to-use and efficient employee system automation to satisfied, content and engaged employees.

5 Ways Automation Impacts Employee Experience with Mobility Management

Let's look at five key aspects of automated technology and how they might affect user experience with enterprise mobility management.

1.     Visibility is Vital

When we submit a trouble ticket to any system, we breathe a tiny sigh of relief upon receiving that first acknowledgment email. If nothing else, we know our request was received. Visibility is vital to our experience.

Thinking about our consumer experiences again, consider the last time you tracked a package. The system is so transparent to us that we know often know more about where our packages are than most items in our homes or offices. These days, users are part of the systems they rely on and are part of the experience – it's not just something that happens to them.

When processes and systems like mobility management solutions are visible and transparent to employees, management gets a confidence boost that boosts company culture. And with technology and mobility, employees can be particularly emotive about the hardware and applications they use to do their jobs. Hence, a layer of transparency can remove a layer of employee anxiety.

2.     Work Where the User Works

A key aspect of employee engagement is the level of connectedness employees feel toward their organizations and teams. That feeling of connection is promoted by open communication and lots of listening on the part of management.

When it comes to "working where the user works" or "meeting someone where they are," listening to employee pain points and concerns is essential. How can you create systems that work for your employees if you don't ask them what they need?

Creating a tech and mobility management system that works where the user works means:

  • Employing applications the user recognizes

  • An intuitive user interface

  • Easily attained resources

  • Easily accessible assistance

3.     Blending Bots and People

The right blend of bots and people is critical to delivering a positive user experience. Bots are the first line of interaction and can often provide answers users need without involving a human. And bots also offer the advantage of immediacy – if you can't get an immediate solution, at least you can get an immediate response. Employees know that their issue is logged and a support rep will be with them soon.

4.     Speed to Resolution

Empowering our administrators – and automating processes – enables speedy resolutions and, therefore, satisfied employees.

Target offers a familiar retail example. If you bring an item to the checkout and the price is missing from the system, the cashier is empowered to decide on a fair price on the spot. Target knows that customer dissatisfaction with waiting on someone to find a price in such a large store is far more expensive and impactful than the possibility of losing a few dollars on an inaccurate pricing estimate. Speed to resolution is essential and adds up over time – directly (in cost and productivity) and indirectly (in satisfaction and reputation).

5.     Consistent User Experience

The larger the organization, the more difficult it becomes to create a consistent single-user experience with IT systems and interactions. For example, if an employee needs to order a mobile phone and select a carrier, the number and variety of hardware and providers – especially across geographies – can be overwhelming. But an HR executive in Italy should have the same experience as an accountant in Nebraska.

The right platform is essential to meeting these expectations. Centrally controlling and managing procurement and logistics processes enables consistent user experiences at all company offices and geographies.

It's All About Expectations
The bottom line is that employees expect the same painless and transparent experiences at work they experience in their personal lives. Automation and expertise can go a long way toward meeting those expectations. And so can a good mobility platform and mobile app. vMOX helps companies build exceptional user experiences by providing a consistent single-user experience that fosters employee engagement and satisfaction.

Want to learn more about optimizing your employees' enterprise mobility user experience? Connect with a vMOX expert today.